By Laura Lyjak Crawford

The Office of Career and Employer Services at South Texas College encourage you to look at the following Roadmap, answer the questions and allow the answer key to point you in the right direction.

Can you name one or more interests that you would love to turn into a career?
yes   no

Can you name three or more skills you have that would be an asset to an employer?
yes   no

Have you spent time researching careers that draw on your interests and skills – both online and by talking to people who do this this kind of work?
yes   no

Do you know about the job market for jobs like the ones that interest you, including possible job titles and the kinds of employers who are hiring?
yes   no

Do you know what you can expect to be paid in careers that interest you?
yes   no

Do you know which college programs will give you the skills for the careers that interest you?
yes   no

Are you ready to gain on-the-job experience in your preferred career field as an intern, an employee or a volunteer?
yes   no

Are you ready to start looking for jobs in your field?
yes   no

Do you need to write a resume to begin job hunting?
yes   no

Do you need to develop good interviewing and job search skills?
yes   no

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Answer Key

Questions 1-2
If you answered NO to any of these questions it’s time to schedule a visit with Career and Placement Specialists for career testing that can help you better understand your own strengths and skills.

Questions 3-6
If you answered NO to any of these questions, schedule some time with Career and Placement Specialists to learn more about resources that will provide you with more information about the the job market, education and training options for your career preferences.

Questions 7-10
If you answered YES to any of these questions, it’s time to work with Career and Placement Specialists to develop your job hunting skills. Specialists can help you write an effective resume and develop your interviewing skills.  

Whether you are exploring a career in Welding, Child Development or Allied Health, seeking a new position, or looking for professional networks, The Office of Career and Employer Services at South Texas College is committed to helping you achieve your professional goals. Our website features all the key resources and essential information you need to succeed in today’s increasingly hyper-competitive job market.

The Office of Career and Employer Services